David Ha
1 min readNov 30, 2020


First Day

To be honest, this isn’t my first day. I started on Jonathan Lue’s full stack development course two days ago but I finally arrived at the slide that told me I should create a blog so here I am.

If I’m being true to myself, I’m thinking that becoming a full stack developer can and should open doors for in terms of career opportunities. Atm, I’m only confident in telling employers I’m a skilled data entry clerk/junior data analyst. This is far away from my “dream job” but I honestly don’t have a dream job or rather…..I recognize I’m not willing to do what it takes to make that happen. Many talk about their dreams but they almost never brutally subject themselves to what must be done to make that happen.

My hope is my thoughts become clearer as I draw nearer to completing the course, that I am able to pinpoint exactly how coding can truly be used to open the doors, whether it would the experience, the skills showcased, the portfolio, etc. Or…the course was never itself was never going to make that happen but it would be able to point me in the right direction.

For a short term goal, I aim to be able to understand coding and put it to use just as I do the English language. I’m not going to begin to expect anything from the course until I can fully gauge my ability when it comes to coding. I’m on 3.8. There are 27 sections total to this course. LONG way to go.

